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Found 11 results for the keyword platform studies. Time 0.007 seconds.
Platform Studies, a book series published by MIT Press, Ian Bogost andPossible subjects for the Platform Studies series include chipsets and hardware; general-purpose computers and their operating systems; specialized microcomputers, such as videogame consoles; programming languages; a
Platform Studies, a book series published by MIT Press, Ian Bogost andRacing the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System (2009)by Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost Codename Revolution: The NintendoWii Platform (2012)by Steven E. Jones and George K. Thiruvathukal The Future Was Here: Commo
Platform Studies, a book series published by MIT Press, Ian Bogost andThe format for books in the series is open, but strong preference will be given to concise, clearly written works that will appeal to the audiences above. Black and white illustrations can be used in books in the series
Platform Studies, a book series published by MIT Press, Ian Bogost andNew media studies focused on artifacts, games, and works of digital art and literature have been undertaken on many different levels, but the foundation of new media is still relatively neglected.
Who Are You?The Game Boy Advance platform as computational system and cultural artifact, from its 2001 release through hacks, mods, emulations, homebrew afterlives.In 20...
Racing the BeamA study of the relationship between platform and creative expression in the Atari VCS.The Atari Video Computer System dominated the home video game market so...
The Future Was HereExploring the often-overlooked history and technological innovations of the world s first true multimedia computer.Long ago, in 1985, personal computers came...
MinitelThe first scholarly book in English on Minitel, the pioneering French computer network, offers a history of a technical system and a cultural phenomenon.A de...
Super Power, Spoony Bards, and SilverwareHow the Super Nintendo Entertainment System embodied Nintendo s resistance to innovation and took the company from industry leadership to the margins of vide...
The Media SnatcherAn in-depth exploration of a neglected video game platform of the 1990s and a reflection on the way we construct the cultural history of video games.In The M...
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